Sustainability at atlantis dx

The topic of sustainability is close to our hearts and is an important core value in our company. We recognize the responsibility we have for our corporate and social actions and consider the impact on our environment in all the decisions we make. What's more, as part of the IT industry, we have the opportunity to promote sustainability through innovative ideas.

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Environmental protection

Environmental protection is a particularly important aspect in this context. For many years, we have been optimizing our daily activities to ensure that we use our resources sparingly. Simple issues such as waste separation and paper avoidance are of course a matter of course. However, as an IT company - without industrial production - it is essentially about the use of renewable energies for operations. A few years ago, we switched internally to using 100% renewable electricity. All of the servers and data centers we use also rely entirely on renewable energy and operate their systems in a CO₂-neutral manner.

Illustration: nachhaltige Maßnahmen bei atlantis dx, ICE, Fahrrad, Homeoffice, E-Car, Biene

Avoiding CO₂ from air travel and transport

We kept air travel to a minimum even before the pandemic and rely on rail travel within Germany whenever possible. Even before the pandemic, we already had the option of working remotely, partly with the aim of avoiding car journeys. This aspect will become even more important in the future. We support local public transport with a subsidy for monthly HVV tickets and new company vehicles are equipped with electric drives that are charged exclusively with renewable electricity. We also provide our employees with company bicycles.

Data-based optimization of the CO₂ footprint

We are 100% energy CO₂-neutral. All emissions generated by our company are offset.

100% Carbon neutral Badge von klima.metrix

As a data-driven company, we love the opportunities that arise from data-based analyses and optimizations based on them. Back in 2020, with the support of the start-up klima.metrix, we therefore began to analyze our carbon footprint in great detail based on internal data and information. This approach gave us the opportunity to first classify our footprint so that we could then take concrete measures very quickly - namely those with the greatest positive impact. We are continuing along this path and can easily document and analyze our progress based on data.

Logo: ClimatePartner Klimaneutrales Unternehmen

Compensation for 2021

We have brought a new partner on board for the emissions generated in 2021: ClimatePartner. We continue to rely on klima.metrix for the automated analyses, but are now going even further and having our strategy and results verified by ClimatePartner. ClimatePartner is also responsible for offsetting.

Climate-neutral company - this means that we have recorded our greenhouse gas emissions, are continuously reducing them and have offset the remaining emissions through a specific climate protection project. In doing so, we are also promoting the achievement of global Sustainable Development Goals, such as the fight against poverty or the improvement of living conditions in emerging and developing countries.Climate neutrality for companies includes direct emissions caused within the company (electricity and heat generation, vehicle fleet, volatile gases) and indirect emissions from purchased energy, business travel and employee commuting.

We are also working to reduce our ecological footprint and ensure a growing commitment to climate protection within our company.

View our climate protection project

Logo von atmosfair

Compensation for 2020

Based on our detailed analysis, we have already made many optimizations, but there are still emissions that we have not yet been able to avoid. We have already decided to offset all emissions generated by our company from 2020 onwards with the help of the NGO atmosfair.

Certificate for offset greenhouse gases (PDF - 3.6MB)

Foto: Blatt in Herzform, wird von Hand gehalten, Sonne scheint durch das Blatt

Our way forward

Sustainability has become an integral part of our values and our daily activities.

And when it comes to climate protection, this means constantly analyzing in detail, adapting our actions and reducing our consumption, while offsetting all emissions that do occur in order to work in a climate-neutral way.

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