Creating a well-running website on your own and programming it from scratch can be quite tricky. With a content management system (CMS) such as TYPO3, however, even people with no previous programming experience can create great websites in no time at all. These are ready-made designs that already have important components such as functioning navigation bars or a search bar. In this article, we show you five free templates and what they are suitable for.
Definition of template
Templates are also known as CMS templates and provide the webmaster with a rough structure that can then be customized. There are both free templates and designs for which a certain amount is payable. Additional, optional content elements include slideshows or news boxes, for example, which you can integrate at a later date. This saves you time-consuming design work. The individual templates are nevertheless flexible, for horizontal navigation as well as vertical navigation and can be adapted to your personal wishes. This means that the website can be optimized for all different devices. This works particularly well with our individual layouts, which we create as part of the projects for our customers. Every atlantis dx template is unique and 100% tailored to your needs.
Our top 5 free TYPO3 templates
Depending on the purpose and industry, you will find a variety of TYPO3 templates with which you can create a new, well-functioning website. Whether simple, playful, colorful or puristic - there is something for every taste when it comes to design. Below we present five different TYPO3 templates, all of which you can download for free and install after registering in the backend.

1. T3 Clean Blog
With the T3 Clean Blog template, all bloggers who are in the starting blocks with their content are ideally equipped. The minimalist design has only the most essential features - making it easier for both the webmaster and the user to keep track of things. This template is also rather sparing with colors and convinces with an easy-to-read and straightforward font. Instead, this template directs the focus to what is really important in a blog - the content.

2. microtemplate
Microtemplate is a template that is ideal for you if you are a small company and want to create clear, professional websites. This template is a one-pager that transports all information to the homepage of your website. The design is both simple and universal, so the template can be used in a variety of ways.

3. t3 freelancer
The T3 Freelancer template is also a one-page template that is specially tailored to the needs of freelancers. If you want to present yourself and your services in a compact, serious and clear manner, this template is a perfect solution for presenting important information in an appealing way. It is also ideal for compiling your previous work, for example in a portfolio.

4. T3 Agency Free Business
The T3 Agency Free Business template is perfect for all companies that want to get off to a flying start with innovative ideas and developments. After all, new products and concepts should be presented in an appealing way so that they arouse the curiosity of the viewer. Thanks to numerous functions such as the embedding of a portfolio, your ideas are given exactly the stage they deserve.

5. jweiland
With the Jweiland template, the look of the website takes a back seat. Instead, when using this template, you immediately start to breathe life into the template and fill it with your content. The start page initially comes in a rather sleek design and can be customized later if required - however, the necessary technical steps are already included in this template. This gives you more time to use the page in such a way that it presents your content in the best possible way.
TYPO3 templates for every industry
There are a large number of templates for TYPO3, all of which have been designed for individual purposes - we have presented five of them to you in this article. When it comes to templates for a CMS, they don't have to cost anything to be of high quality. For many applications, such as setting up a blog or a one-pager, it is completely sufficient to use the free templates and be inspired by the various features. However, our personalized layouts, which are tailor-made for your company and also offer an excellent user experience, make a particularly good impression.
FAQs about TYPO3 templates
A template is a template that facilitates the creation of individual websites. It acts as a kind of template into which you can subsequently add your own content or make special changes. No previous experience in programming is required, as the basic technical framework already exists. Templates are installed in the TYPO3 backend.
TYPO3 offers suitable templates for every conceivable industry and diverse areas of application. The target groups for TYPO3 templates include private bloggers and other people who present their hobbies on a website, as well as companies and freelancers. Our focus, meanwhile, is on designing high-quality layouts for corporate websites - i.e. companies that want a professional web presence.
Once you have selected a specific template, you can start creating and entering content and make design changes in the next step. Standard content elements include a restructuring of the navigation bar, slideshows, text or news boxes.