Sugar Enterprise (On-Premise CRM)

Put your customers at the center and build valuable customer relationships - with the on-premise solution Sugar Enterprise! The market-leading customer experience software offers everything you need to collect contact data on a central platform that is accessible to all employees and to create effective marketing campaigns that generate satisfied customers.

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We at atlantis dx are SugarCRM partners and support you in all phases of your project: from consulting and planning to setting up and maintaining the software - we are always fully committed!

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Logo Sugar Enterprise: Drei schwarze Quadrate aufeinander, seitlich zu sehen, rechts daneben das Wort enterprise

Sugar Enterprise Features

The Sugar Enterprise on-premise solution offers a wide range of functions that help you to automate and optimize your business processes. The tool leaves nothing to be desired.

Compliance and data protection

For many companies, cloud versions are not an option due to internal data protection guidelines, external security standards or regulatory requirements. As an on-premise platform, Sugar Enterprise offers you complete sovereignty over your data and software. You decide on updates and have complete control over system updates and the technology you use.

Automation with Sugar BPM

Make your business processes as efficient as possible with Sugar Enterprise! Automate recurring tasks and more complex workflows and set up automatic notifications. The integrated solutions for automation ensure effective time savings and enable higher productivity for all employees.

Innovative all-in-one solution

Cover all important functions in your company relating to sales, support and marketing processes with just one innovative solution! With Sugar Campaign and Lead Management, your marketing experts can keep an eye on all customer data and interactions and derive data-driven and meaningful strategies. Support your service staff with automated support processes and an intelligent ticket system and help sales staff to accelerate sales and sustainably increase your turnover.

User-friendly design

Thanks to the innovative design and Sugar UX, the user interface is extremely user-friendly and intuitive. Work flexibly on your desktop PC or on the move with a mobile device. Thefree apps for iOS and Android systems allow you to access all data anytime and anywhere. This means you always have an overview of your business processes and customer relationships!

Wide range of integration options

The Sugar platform offers seamless integration with numerous other business applications such as email marketing tools, accounting software, social media and e-commerce platforms, as well as common Microsoft programs for your daily use. This allows you to streamline your business processes and increase the efficiency of your company.

Highest performance

Sugar Enterprise is extremely powerful and delivers all data in real time. Client-side caching reduces loading times and the modern HTML5 architecture and a maximally optimized technology stack ensure low latency and fast access times.

Flexible hosting options

Host your software where it benefits your business the most and benefit from Sugar Enterprise agile hosting options. Unlike other CRM providers, SugarCRM allows you to control your company data in a dedicated database. This means you can use all APIs without restrictions or hidden license costs.

The hosting options are diverse:

  • Sugar On-Demand (SaaS)
  • Public clouds (IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace)
  • atlantis dx SugarCRM partner cloud
  • On-site behind your own firewall

Data security through remote database backups

Sugar Enterprise offers you data security at the highest level. Weekly database backups ensure that your valuable company data is stored on an FTP server - taking into account all compliance requirements, of course. Offline reports give you reliable access to your data even without an Internet connection.

Detailed analysis and reporting functions

Interactive dashboards and business analytics allow you to keep an eye on all your company's key figures at all times. Gain valuable insights into KPIs, customer interactions, sales processes and other business processes. This allows you to make well-founded decisions based on valid data and optimize your business processes in the long term.

Reliable forecasts

With the help of Sugar Enterprise analysis functions, you not only monitor your current or past business processes, but also receive reliable forecasts in order to recognize problems in the sales chain at an early stage and react accordingly.

atlantis dx als Ihr Sugar Enterprise Partner

Badge: SugarCRM Advanced Reseller

Sugar Enterprise (On-Premise CRM) offers you a comprehensive package of tools and functions to strengthen your customer relationships and make your company successful. Whether you are a medium-sized or large company, Sugar Enterprise allows the greatest possible flexibility and adapts to all your requirements. And if it doesn't fit, our certified SugarCRM specialists will make it fit! We provide an individualized on-premise CRM solution for every company!

atlantis dx is a certified SugarCRM partner and has years of expertise in data management and customer experience. Our focus is on providing innovative solutions that are specifically tailored to your requirements. We understand that every business is unique and has different needs. That's why we work closely with you. This ensures that we offer a tailor-made solution that fits your needs perfectly.

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Foto: Frontalaufnahme von Dario Waechter, dunkel Hintergrund
Your contact person:
Dario Waechter, Management | Partner

Frequently asked questions about Sugar Enterprise

Sugar Enterprise is a flexible on-premise CRM for medium-sized and large companies. It offers functions for sales automation, customer service and support, as well as customer portals and marketing automation. With this all-encompassing customer relationship management tool, companies support all customer-oriented business areas across departments.

You do not need your own server to use the software. Sugar Enterprise can also be installed via a public server or a partner cloud.

Sugar Enterprise can be easily combined with the individual products from the cloud version. It is also possible to switch from the cloud to the on-premise version.